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He gets it. You just give him a simple brief, tell him what you are thinking about and then let him shoot. He has an art directors sensibility so he is always looking at the assignment as a solution to a problem. but he has an artists eye so the solution never looks ordinary. He gets humanity. He works his ass off. And he's a joy to work with.


 Chuck Schiller,  Group Creative Director,

 The Richards Group, Dallas.

" One day the lead account guy walks into my office and says, “Hey, we have this cool opportunity to do an online video series for Capital One. The budget is tight, the timeline is short. But don’t worry. I know a guy who can nail it.”

That “guy” turned out to be Vince. 

Far more than a director, Vince was a true creative partner. He helped shape the series platform and present it to the client. He was generous with his thinking and receptive to feedback. He was fantastic on set with the talent. And he continued to care and contribute, all the way through editing. "


John Wolfarth, EVP Group Creative Director Mullen Lowe, Boston

Need a director? Need a director who can light and shoot his own stuff? Need a director who can light and shoot his own stuff, plus concept the idea? Need a director who can light and shoot his own stuff, concept the idea, write it, art direct it and --- if necessary --- score original music for the damn idea?


You get where I’m going here. I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone with Vince Cook’s amalgam of technical proficiency, artistic finesse, relentless work ethic, collaborative problem-solving and unfailingly positive attitude. Dude is the real deal.


Bill Lindsey  Creative Director,

twoxfour Chicago

I have worked with Vince and Anvil Content on multiple shoots for various healthcare clients over the last decade. 


Healthcare shoots often prove to be more difficult than other shoots because, simply put people are in the hospital, which is not where anyone wants to be. However, if approached correctly, it can provide a great chance to get that amazing raw emotion out of patients and healthcare professionals.


That’s where Vince comes in.


What I appreciate most  is his unique ability to capture the lifestyle side of healthcare and avoid the trap of typical healthcare shots. Vince is also incredibly in-tune with respecting the time and workspace of hospital staff as well as the unique needs and emotions of patients.


Hospitals are an unconventional place to shoot and come with their fair share of challenges - most importantly time and space. Producing great work while being nimble is a quality that is difficult to find in any photographer/director, but Vince is unique in the way he can give the quality of a fully produced shoot, within these limited parameters.


The ability to be an incredibly talented photographer/director as well as a human being I enjoy spending time with are the qualities that I find in every Vince Cook shoot.


Dustin Hall, Creative Director,

Frederick Swanston,  Atlanta

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